In a rectangular compound on the dunes 120 yards South of the public toilet on the South side of Beach Road.
OPEN All surface features remain in place but the ventilation shaft is badly damaged with half of the top lying in the sand and the rest hanging by the reinforcing rods. The ventilation louvres are missing as is the hatch. The concrete step is detached from the shaft and lying to one side. The shaft is filled with sand to within nine inches of the top.
The remains of an Orlit A stands on a mound just outside the south west corner of the compound. It consists of a concrete base and two walls with gaping holes. Just outside the north east corner of the compound is the base of another building (20' X 10') with a couple of courses of bricks remaining in place. This is probably the remains of an earlier (WW2) aircraft post.
Opened in 1963 and closed in 1968.