In a small rectangular compound next to trig. station on Woodbury Ring (ancient site). 600 yards North of old A272 and North of Stockbridge Down (National Trust).
LOCKED All surface features remain intact although badly weathered due to the exposed position. There is a dome on the ventilation shaft indicating this was a master post. The shaft itself is damaged with both louvres disintegrating. The hatch is locked. There is a one foot high concrete plinth on top of the adjacent ventilation shaft with the GZI mounting on top. Closed 1968, re-opened between 1975 and 1983 when Lockerly Green Post closed, finally closed 1991.
An Orlit A stands 10 yards away outside the compound. Part of its wooden instrument mounting is still in place. WC is painted in large letters on the wall, perhaps the Observers used it for that purpose in later years. It is in medium condition with both doors missing.
Opened in 1962 and closed in 1968, reopened 1975-1983 and finally closed in 1991.