In a high square compound beside a footpath on Gallows Pole Hill, 250 yards east from Butterworth End Lane.
LOCKED The compound is unusually secure with metal railings with barbed wire on top instead of the usual wire fencing. The compound gate is open. There is a single telegraph pole at one corner of the compound with wire from it lying on the ground. All surface features remain intact with some flaking of the green paint. There is a 15" wide metal collar round the top of the access shaft, which has been reconstructed with a new large hatch (Torlift) fitted. The hatch is very rusty. The security plug has been forced out but some of the internal locking mechanism has been broken and the hatch can’t be opened. April 2016 Sowerby Bridge ROC is in an average condition. The hatch is plugged using a large bolt but once that has been removed can be opened with a Torlift key.
Opened in 1962 and closed in 1991.