The site is surrounded by the original boundary fence. It now appears to be used for storage by the nearby fish farm - there is a terrible smell of rotting fish(?) which nearly made me sick at one point.
The tanks were surrounded by bunds which I estimate as 10ft to 15ft high. Much of the area inside is now heavily overgrown.
There is a large brick building on the Northern boundary NG 83185 24291, nearest the sea. This is about 6700 MM x 10070 MM (internal - the side door was open so I took a few photographs through the doorway and measured using laser rangefinder). The ceiling is 430 MM. There is a lifting gantry mounted across the ceiling. There is a large sliding door (3600 MM wide) at the North East corner and a smaller door (1847 MM wide) at the South West corner which has a blast wall. There is ventilation on the North West and South East wall and windows (now boarded up) on the South East wall. Two pipes can be seen at low level on South East wall (nearest the tanks), there could be other pipes that are not visible. I would estimate the pipes at around 12" diameter.
There is a small brick building at NG 83336 24320, this could be a substation or generator though perhaps valves or pumps for the pipes on the shore as it is at the nearest point to there. It is 3520 MM x 2960 MM (external) and 3520 MM high, the roof is 100 MM concrete. There is a wooden door in the Northern, no windows and just a brick missing at high level for ventilation presumably. Near is a modern wooden structure but there is the possible base of a building near it.
There are two pipes ona concrete block on the shore with a line of wooden posts towards them. Could not record the position without going in the water but the bottom post was at NG 83358 24368 and the concrete block was 16 M North West of it. This could be the small mark on the map at NG 83364 24385. The two pipes are different sizes, I would estimate the smaller one as being around 12" diameter so the larger could be 18", don’t think it was 2'. South of the pipes is a modern jetty and a slipway just South of that. There are lots of large concrete blocks around the area and three kedge anchors near the gateway South or site by the shore. Hard to say if these are WWII or from the fishfarm. Also a winch but the report on the talcum mine suggests it is associated with that.
The ‘mast’ is the tower of a small BBC TV relay station.
No one seems to have found any mention of the site in any records and no pictures taken whilst the tanks were still there.
A few years ago a survey of wrecks was done around the UK coast. The people doing it were told locally that the site was used for refuelling flying boats from Oban. Not been able to get confirmation. One possibility was that some drums of aviation fuel were kept in the pump house for refuelling aircraft low on fuel on their way back to Oban.
The site is much more overgrown than in the photographs taken in 2006.