In a square compound on sand dunes 100 yards North East of the junction of Warden Road (A1031) and an un-named minor road.
OPEN All surface features remain in place but the ventilation shaft is virtually gone above ground level apart from some reinforcing rods. The hatch is missing (now down below) as are the ventilation louvres. The concrete step has become detached from the access shaft. A 12' high metal platform has been constructed on top of the post (believed to be a surveying platform for the gas industry but now disused). Internally the post is rubble strewn but the twin bunks and single bed survive as does the cupboard with its doors detached. The table is also detached from the wall. (WARNING The post contains some asbestos sheeting).
An aircraft post consisting of a concrete plinth and a single steps surrounded by railings stands in the North East corner of the compound.
Opened in 1964 and closed in 1968.