In a rectangular compound at the end of a line of telegraph poles 100 yards north of an un-named minor road and 200 yards east of Claylands Farm.
OPEN All surface features remain intact with some flaking of the light green paint. An aerial mast bracket and a metal dome on the ventilation shaft indicates this was a master post. A car battery probably the post battery and the Orlit door lie in the compound. The hatch is locked but can be opened with a Scottish ‘T’ bar key. Internally much remains including the table, shelf, cupboard, WB1401 carrier receiver and WB1410 filter unit, floor standing Dexion shelf rack, BT junction boxes and wiring, corner shelf above battery position, BPI mount, light, mirror, 1 mattress, 5 cushions, broom, FSM probe gasket, tins of paint, rope, battery box, battery table, Tele-talk, light at the bottom of shaft, candle holder, dustpan, fuse box and a teapot.
An aircraft post of type Orlit ‘B’ stands behind the post. It is in good condition but there is some damage to the internal partition wall and the entrance door is detached.
Opened in 1961.