In a large square compound on the south side of the B8033 opposite an access drive.
OPEN The post is at the top of a high bank with concrete steps up from the road. All surface features remain intact, the green/black paint is in good condition but the hatch is detached. A metal dome on the ventilation shaft indicates this was a master post. Internally the post is flooded to a depth on 6" from rainwater. (The hatch was hanging off but has now been replaced over the shaft). The table shelf and cupboard remain in place with an extension to the shelf. Other remaining artifacts include a chair, WB1401 carrier receiver with WB1410 filter unit, Tele-Talk, a long floor standing cupboard, a small wall mounted cupboard, local cluster map, BPI mount, candle holder, crockery, cans of food, 3 Jerry cans, light, FSM dome gasket to handless pick axes, various papers and a waste bin.
Opened in 1968 and closed in 1991.