In a rectangular compound at the end of a line of telegraph poles on the west side of a field boundary on a ridge above a farm 150 yards east of A76.
OPEN All surface features remain intact but there is some damage to the top of the access shaft and the adjacent ventilation louvers and the hatch is open. A metal dome on the ventilation shaft and three guying points indicates this was a master post. The hatch is open. Internally there is evidence that people have been sleeping in the post. Much remains including the table, shelf, cupboard, twin bunks with mattresses and blankets, two more blankets in unopened packets, 6 Jerry cans, BPI mount, teapot, BT junction boxes and wiring, radio shelf, small splint, wire brush, dustpan, first aid poster and a fuse box.
A small underground store for fuel cans is located in one corner of the compound. It is constructed from concrete slabs. No other buildings remain.
Opened in 1968 and closed in 1991.