In a triangular compound surrounded by bushes on a field boundary, along paved path 150 yards West of un-named minor road, close to covered reservoir.
Standard design. All surface features remain intact. The top of the access shaft has been rebuilt with a new, large hatch (Torlift) fitted. The hatch is locked with it’s security plug in place sit it can only be opened with a Torlift Key. There is a sign on the gate which reads ‘ROC Lin:55 15 Group. Home Office property. Keep Out.’ Internally the post is damp but much remains including twin bunks and a single bed with mattresses and three packets of unopened blankets, cupboard, shelf original table with a second level added, rack of dexion shelving, copper straps along walls, first aid bag (full), fire blanket box, dummy maroon launcher, three pair of Wellington boots. splint, utensils, baffle plates, wiring, light, crowbar. two chairs, poster, mirror, battery switching box, rope, rake, broom, dustpan/brush, bucket 1999). An inspection in March 2007 showed little change apart from some peeling of the paint. A combinatioin padlock was fitted when the post was sold in 2003.
Opened in 1963 and closed in 1991.