On the east side of a field boundary by trig station, 250 yards west of Rosedale Lane and 150 yards south west of a public footpath.
OPEN All surface features remain intact with some flaking of the khaki/green paint. The hatch is partly detached and open. Internally the post is in good condition with much remaining including: table, shelf, cupboard, twin bunks with mattresses, WB1401 carrier receiver and WB1410 filter unit, 3 X 1" OS maps (on wall), tool rack, Dexion table, Dexion shelf unit, fire blanket in box, BT junction boxes/wiring, wooden chest of drawers, 4 chairs, various papers and forms, BPI mount, notice board, Bible, 4 Jerry cans, shelf in toilet with cleaning materials and tins of paint, dustpan, spade, post battery/box, large splint, small splint, ROC magazines, T-pot, crockery, enamel bucket, spade, broom, mirror, stool, light, FSM gaskets. There is also a notice which reads ‘RIP No. 61 Hinderwell C/Obs Clive Baker, L/Obs, Margaret Meer, Obs. Stephanie Aukland, Obs. Ken Fergusson, Obs. Mandy Fish, Obs. Fred Harrison, Obs. Ray Ward". A line of telegraph poles ends half way to the site. When the post was revisited in October 2006 the shaft was filled with soil.
The foundations of the aircraft post are visible on a mound overlooking the underground post.
Opened in 1960 and closed in 1991.