In the North West corner of a field just South of the footpath running along Earl Crag. 75 yards south East from monument and 300 yards North of Buck Stone Lane.
SEALED All surface features apart from the BPI pipe are in place but the ventilation shaft is reduced to below the level of the louvre holes and the remaining air shaft has been filled with concrete. The shaft has been capped with concrete but this capping has fallen away and lies in the grass with the hatch fixed to it. The shaft has now been recapped but their is a hole in the cap revealing that the shaft is also infilled with rubble. The adjacent ventilation shaft is also reduced to below the level of the ventilation louvre holes. The step is detached.
Four concrete blocks in the grass nearby are the bases for the legs of an Orlit B aircraft post.
Opened in 1963 and closed in 1968.